More Than Us


Karen tv show 1964


Apasionado interés

The wise ones bet heavily when the world offers them that opportunity. They bet big when they have the odds. And the rest of the time, they don't. It's just that simple.


Gratitude is the fairest blossom that springs from the soul.


There is no better excess in the world than the excess of gratitude.


Terry fue uno de los mejores escritores de fantasía que ha existido, y sin duda, el más divertido. Era tan ingenioso como prolífico, que no es poco. Un hombre listo, gracioso, profundo, cálido y amable, un hombre de infinita paciencia, un hombre que de verdad sabía como disfrutar de la vida... y de los libros.
George R. R. Martin

Se le echará mucho de menos, pero ¡qué legado de ingenio y alegrías nos deja!
Ursula K. Le Guin


Always hold fast to the present. Every situation, indeed every moment, is of infinite value, for it is the representative of a whole eternity.

New Year's Morning

 ...Always a night from old to new!
Night and the healing balm of sleep!
Each morn is New Year's morn come true,
Morn of a festival to keep.
All nights are sacred nights to make
Confession and resolve and prayer;
All days are sacred days to wake
New gladness in the sunny air.
Only a night from old to new;
Only a sleep from night to morn.
The new is but the old come true;
Each sunrise sees a new year born.